Michael Moore and Our “Sicko” Society

Michael Moore and Our “Sicko” Society

Healthcare professionals across the nation are plopping down $10 for a ticket and another $10 for popcorn and a large bottle of water only to become the immediate recipient of much ribbing from colleagues, even receiving prescriptions for nausea medicine to be taken...
Pardon Me Mr. President

Pardon Me Mr. President

As our nation pauses to pay its respects to the memory of former President Gerald R. Ford, the importance of this underappreciated leader and his service to the people of the United States is finally coming to the fore. President Ford came into office at a time when...
What a Great Idea

What a Great Idea

Kevin Freking, of the Associated Press reports on the first major corporate sponsorship of portable electronic medical records. Applied Materials, BP America, Inc., Intel Corp., Pitney Bowes and Wal-Mart will enroll employees in a central database to maintain health...