Continuous Integrated Triage

Continuous Integrated Triage

The concept of resource-based decision making would seem to be basic to the practice of medicine and especially emergency medicine and disaster medicine.  Unfortunately the reality is that in the United States of America and, actually in most industrialized nations,...
Doc My Head Hurts

Doc My Head Hurts

“Doc, my head hurts!”   Every emergency room doctor hears these works every time they work. Although most headaches are no more than just that, a headache, the rare headache that is more can be a medical catastrophe for the patient, their family and their doctor....
InstaDecision: 4 Steps to a “Blink” Moment

InstaDecision: 4 Steps to a “Blink” Moment

In the last minutes before Wall Street’s closing bell on Friday, a professional stock broker known for his nerves of steel suddenly dumps his high-risk portfolio, seemingly without regard to price or loss. At the bar that night, his colleagues openly rib him about his...