Stop the Toxic Merry-Go-Round

Stop the Toxic Merry-Go-Round

Stop the Toxic Merry-Go-Round Co-authors: Allison A. Sakara, NP, MSN, RN, PHRN, and Alyssa Middleton, PhD   “My job now is to try and help people understand every one of us makes a difference. And cumulatively, wise choices in how we act each day can begin...
PFAS and Your Health: Determining the Impact

PFAS and Your Health: Determining the Impact

PFAS and Your Health: Determining the Impact Co-authors: Allison A. Sakara, NP, MSN, RN, PHRN, and Alyssa Middleton, PhD  “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to...
When Fresh Air is Not Safe Air

When Fresh Air is Not Safe Air

When Fresh Air is Not Safe Air Co-authors: Alyssa Middleton, Ph.D. & Maurice A. Ramirez, D.O., Ph.D. Often referred to as ‘forever chemicals’, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are among the most concerning Fluorinated Hydrocarbons (FHC) pollutants...